| President
Mr. Dariusz Rozum (POL)
phone number: +48 601 983 698
e-mail: tarozum@wp.pl |
| General Secretary
Mr. Riho Ranikmaa (EST)
phone number: +372 53 91 51 60
e-mail: riho.rannikmaa@eestisumo.ee |
| Vice - President (Ethics and Education)
Mr. Roman Iliev
phone number:
e-mail: r.iliev@rossumo.ru |
| Vice – President (Refeering)
Mr. Tengiz Rukhadze (GEO)
phone number:
e-mail: sumo_georgia@yahoo.com |
| Vice – President (Marketing)
Mr. Samir Abdullayev(AZE)
phone number: +99455 311-13-18
e-mail: azerbaijansumo@gmail.com |
| Vice – President (Finance)
Mr. Lashlo Ancsin(HUN),
phone number:
e-mail: info@sumo.hu |
| Sports Director
Mr. Boris Navchev(BUL)
Phone number: +359 879 930 034,
e-mail: bfsumo@abv.bg |
| Treasuer
Mr. Rolf Rotnes (NOR)
phone number:
e-mail: rolf.rotnes@gmail.com |
| Anti-doping and Medical Director
Katharina Wolf |